Pastor Chip
and Stephanie
Pastor: Charles Short (known as Pastor Chip)
Pastor Chip gave his life to Christ in his third grade year, but it wasn’t until he was a senior in High School that he was baptized. Shortly after he attended DeVry Institute of Technology. Before long, he surrendered to preach and transferred to Grand Canyon College, where he received his B.A. He worked for a year after graduation at Sperry Aerospace to allow Stephanie to graduate as a nurse. Then received his M.Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He pastored in two church starts, an established church in Bisbee, AZ, and another in Fort Mohave, AZ. He arrived at Grand Community Baptist Church in September 2022. Chip and Stephanie adopted two children out of foster care, and they have three grandchildren.
Email pastor@grandbaptist.com
Phone: 623-975-6262

Associate Pastor: Dr. Gary Harr (known as Pastor Gary)
Gary N. Harr began serving GCBC as Associate Pastor on June 1, 2018. Gary graduated from Grand Canyon College in 1974. He then attended Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 1977 and a Doctor of Ministry degree in 1985. Gary has been in the ministry over 40 years and pastored First Baptist Church of Adams, Oklahoma for more than 3 years, First Baptist Church of Parker, Arizona for more than 15 years, First Baptist Church of Carlsbad, California for 6 years and College Park Baptist Church of Las Vegas, Nevada for 16 years. Gary and his wife Chris, have two children and 5 grandchildren.
Email assocpastor@grandbaptist.com
Phone: 623-975-6262

Philip Carr
Minister of Music

Kelli Ruiz
Office Mgr./Finance

Joan Miner
Admin. Assistant