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GCBC Events

Weekly Events


Sunday                  Bible Studies                                                             9:00 AM

                                  Morning Worship                                                  10:00 AM

                                  Evening Worship                                                     4:00 PM

                                  Choir Rehearsal                                                       5:00 PM


Monday                 Male Call Men’s Bible Study                               8:00 AM

                                  Discipleship & Coffee (Ministry Center)          2:00 PM 

                                  Alcoholics Anonymous                                         7:00 PM


Tuesday               GriefShare                                                                10:00 AM


Wednesday        Bible Study                                                                 4:00 AM


Thursday             Grace Notes                                                               9:00 AM


Saturday             Women’s Bible Study                                           10:00 AM


Monthly Events


GriefShare meets every Tuesday at 10:00 AM in the Ministry Center.  The class is for thirteen weeks.


The Lunch Bunch meets every second Tuesday of each month at 11:30 AM at various Surprise restaurants. 


Men’s Breakfast is held the last Wednesday of each month 8:00 AM at Denny’s on Grand Ave. in Surprise.

​                                                  Special  Events in March, 2025

​                             Inspiring Hope Women's Conference

You are invited to this senior friendly women's event on 

March 22, 2025    10 AM to 3 PM. 

We will have Guest Speakers during the day, along with special music.  Morning snacks and Babbo's Boxed Lunch will be provided.  The cost is $20 per person.  Registration form is due by March 13th. 

Please call the church office at 623-975-6262 or drop by the office located at

18350 N. Goldwater Ridge Drive, Surprise AZ.  for more information.  

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Grand Community Baptist Church

18350 N. Goldwater Ridge Dr. Surprise, AZ  85374

(623) 975-6262

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